state trust fundState trust fund, see Trust fund
statutes _ revisionStatutes — Revision
Claims on abandoned property procedure revisions (remedial legislation) -  AB417
Claims on abandoned property procedure revisions (remedial legislation) -  SB294
Clean Water Fund Program: eliminate statutory provisions re federal financial hardship grant program (remedial legislation) - SB288
Correction bill  - SB284
Correction bill  - SB285
Correction bill  - SB286
Correction bill  - SB287
DATCP revisions re confidentiality of exemptions from requirement to register livestock premises, county land conservation committee membership, vehicle scale operators, and reporting requirement for pesticide sales (remedial legislation)  - SB349
DOT revisions re issuance of certificate of title for OWI-related seized vehicle, operating privilege revocation, multijurisdictional proportional registration and motor carrier insurance, and DOT-assigned VIN (remedial legislation)  - SB330
DPI revisions re division name changes, participation in a public library system, and deleting obsolete references (remedial legislation) -  SB348
Health insurance coverage requirements of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) incorporated into Wisconsin statutes, emergency rule provisions  - AB210
``Intellectual disability" substituted for ``mental retardation" and ``mentally retarded" -  AB471
``Intellectual disability" substituted for ``mental retardation" and ``mentally retarded" -  SB377
Municipal court practice and procedure revisions re filing oath and bond of a municipal judge, signatures on citations or complaints alleging violation of an ordinance, default judgment against a defendant who fails to appear at trial, and transcript fee for electronic recording of court proceedings (remedial legislation) -  SB454
Personalized registration plate for vehicles registered to disabled veterans with limited ability to walk: letters and numbers not to exceed 6 positions (remedial legislation)  - AB485
Unborn child in need of protection and services (UCHIPS) guardian ad litem, investigation of child abuse or neglect when suspected abuser cannot be identified, voluntary foster care education program, seizing funds for delinquent child support, minor parent signing statement acknowledging paternity, summons to deceased respondent in a paternity action, penalty for interfering with custody of a child on a paternity action summons (remedial legislation) -  SB460
``Vehicle" and ``motor vehicle" definitions revised re snowmobile, ATV, and EPAMD (remedial legislation)  - AB486
stem _science, technology, engineering, and mathematics_ programSTEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) program, see School — Branches of instruction
stewardship programStewardship Program, see Natural resource
sth _state trunk highway_STH (State trunk highway), see Road
stinson, robert leeStinson, Robert Lee
$90,000.00 compensation for innocent convict claim -  SB480
stockholm, village ofStockholm, Village of, see Pepin County
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities grants: funding increased -  AB369
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities grants: funding increased -  SB278
Parking on streets adjacent to State Capitol Park: reserved hours revised -  SB43
Prevailing wage applied to highway, road, street, bridge, sanitary sewer, or water main public works project for a town: statutory threshold for applicability raised; DWD duties  - AB91
Prevailing wage applied to highway, road, street, bridge, sanitary sewer, or water main public works project for a town: statutory threshold for applicability raised; DWD duties  - SB46
Road closure barriers must conform to standards for traffic control devices in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted by DOT -  AB609
Road closure barriers must conform to standards for traffic control devices in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted by DOT -  SB501
Scenic byways: DOT may designate local highways as [A.Amdt.1: provisions for signs marking highways added]  - AB518
Scenic byways: DOT may designate local highways as -  SB401
Skateboards used on roadways: regulations revised -  AB515
Traffic control attendants: permitting ordinances allowing appointment of for the protection of persons crossing highways - AB610
Traffic control attendants: permitting ordinances allowing appointment of for the protection of persons crossing highways at or near special events [S.Amdt.1: special event provision removed] -  SB458
Traffic control attendants: permitting ordinances allowing appointment of to direct traffic at or near special events; vehicle owner liability and penalty provisions  - SB439
Vulnerable highway user: penalty enhancements for traffic violations resulting in bodily harm, great bodily harm, or death; definition provisions; JRCCP report  - SB431
student achievement guarantee _sage_ contractsStudent achievement guarantee (SAGE) contracts, see School — State aid
studiesStudies, see also Reports; specific subject
Assisted births in nonhospital settings: GIB to study adding to state employee health insurance coverage [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9115 (6j); A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: further revisions]  - AB40
Energy efficiency study of state-owned buildings by DOA [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (1u)] - AB40
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS enrollment caps; Family Care expansion prohibited [Sec. 9121 (1)-(5); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Family Care Partnership, PACE, and IRIS provisions deleted, long-term care services cap, emergency funding for Family Care benefits, long-term care cost-effectiveness study required, 1304m, 9121 (1g)-(3g), deletes 9121 (1)-(4)] - AB40
Generic drugs purchased for MA by competitive bidding process: DHS study required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (11i)] - AB40
Hunting, fishing, and trapping law revisions re fees, hunter and trapper education and recruitment, Stewardship Program, sturgeon spearing license, and ice fishing; Sporting Recruitment and Retention Council created in DNR, study required [for further revisions, see entry under ``Game — Hunting"] - AB311
MA and FoodShare: DHS study re costs and certain policies required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9121 (12b)]  - AB40
MA program and federal waivers: 2011 WisAct 10 provisions re DHS to study changes and promulgate rules revised; JCF review and report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1423k-1424q, 1430d, e, 1435y-1437f, 1437j-1438m, 1439w, x, 1441bg-1442h, 1453e-L, r, s, 1457p, q, 1459e-o, 1461g-1462h, 1465n-1470b, 9421 (1i)]  - AB40
MA program and federal waivers: 2011 WisActs 10 and 32 provisions eliminated re study on changes; waiver to implement more restrictive eligibility standards, methodologies, and procedures; and reduction in income eligibility levels  - AB339
MA program and federal waivers: 2011 WisActs 10 and 32 provisions eliminated re study on changes; waiver to implement more restrictive eligibility standards, methodologies, and procedures; and reduction in income eligibility levels  - SB232
State building and lease back study by DOA [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (5q)] -  AB40
U.W. Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities, Special Task Force on, created and study required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (1tc)] -  AB40
U.W. Restructuring and Operational Flexibilities, Special Task Force on: reporting deadline delayed  - SB184
Veterans home to be located in Chippewa Falls: DVA may contract with private entity to operate, LAB audit provision; transfer to veterans trust fund certain unencumbered balances [Sec. 65, 234, 698-701, 1242, 1243, 1249-1269, 2665; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, JCF approval of transfer to trust fund, DOA cost-benefit analysis required, 700c, 9101 (2u), 9253 (2u), deletes 700, 1243]  - AB40
WC law revisions re payment of benefits, work injury supplemental benefit fund (WISB), hearings and procedures, and program administration; study required  - SB409
WRS eligibility revised, DETF duties and emergency rules promulgation; WRS structure and benefits study and health insurance options study required; JCF, reports, and audit provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1153d, h, 1156c-t, 9115 (1q)-(4q), 9143 (2q)] -  AB40
Attorneys representing criminal defendants authorized to issue subpoenas -  AB84
Attorneys representing criminal defendants authorized to issue subpoenas -  SB73
substitution of judgeSubstitution of judge, see Judge
suits against the stateSuits against the state, see Claims
Unborn child in need of protection and services (UCHIPS) guardian ad litem, investigation of child abuse or neglect when suspected abuser cannot be identified, voluntary foster care education program, seizing funds for delinquent child support, minor parent signing statement acknowledging paternity, summons to deceased respondent in a paternity action, penalty for interfering with custody of a child on a paternity action summons (remedial legislation) -  SB460
sunsetSunset, see also specific subject
Dam maintenance or removal funding: Stewardship Program bonding authority, report on land acquisitions required, sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 780m, 822t-w, 835f-836s, 848m, 862p, 921g-r] -  AB40
Financial Aid Consolidation and Modernization, Commission on, created in HEAB; report and sunset provisions [A.Amdt.1: membership revision] -  AB144
Indian tribe or band member placed in a mental health treatment facility: sunset removed re reimbursement of unexpected or unusually high-costs from Indian gaming receipts [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 635j, 747c] - AB40
Judicial Compensation Commission created; Governor, Director of State Courts, and JCOER duties; sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9155 (1j)] - AB40
Local levy limits: property tax levy limits extended, maximum base amount, and reduction under certain conditions [Sec. 1722-1725; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, temporary suspension of county tax rate levy limit, levy limits extended and modified, sunset repealed, 1680m, 1721u, 1722b-d, 1724d-p, 1725c, deletes 1722, 1725] -  AB40
MA payments to county and local health departments for covered services: certified cost reports procedure; certain appropriation account sunsetted [Sec. 657, 1307, 1431, 1444-1449] - AB40
Municipal employer may enter into one memorandum of understanding with employee collective bargaining unit to reduce compensation or fringe benefit costs; not a modification for 2011 WisAct 10 purposes; sunset provision [A.Amdt.3: 2011 WisAct 32 purposes added] -  AB319
Overweight vehicles transporting granular roofing materials: repealing sunset date for DOT to issue multiple trip permits - AB88
Overweight vehicles transporting granular roofing materials: repealing sunset date for DOT to issue multiple trip permits - SB61
Stewardship Program revisions re acquisitions of land and easements, reasons for prohibiting public access, and threshold for JCF review; certain DNR appropriation and local government nonbinding resolution provisions [Sec. 587-589, 601, 819-840, 848-855, 861-865, 913, 1749, 9335 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DNR to provide moneys to DATCP for certain agricultural easements, aids in lieu of property taxes estimated value revised, sunset deleted, JCF review revised, acquisition limitations removed, 837m-t, 840m, 862m, 1748de, e, deletes 819-824, 835, 836, 848-855, 861, 862, 913, 1749] -  AB40
UI law changes including concealment penalties and integrity fund, test for illegal drugs, and contribution liability of successor employers [A.Amdt.1: penalty for the concealment of wages or material facts deleted, unemployment integrity fund sunset provision added] -  SB219